This tool compares climates from different locations under current and future climate scenarios

This app presents results from climate match comparisons between different locations under historical and future climate scenarios.
It was developed to support the work of the Plant Risk Assessment and Biosecurity Intelligence teams from the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries.
The future climate scenarios include projections for 2030, 2050, and 2070 under several Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.
All climate data were sourced from "Fick, S.E. and R.J. Hijmans, 2017. WorldClim 2: new 1km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology 37 (12): 4302-4315" here.
Climatic similarities between NZ and the world were calculated using 2.5 minute resolution data for NZ and 5 minute data for the rest of the world. Climatic similarities between weather station locations were calculated using 2.5 minute resolution data.
The current version of the app enables users to see climatic similarities (CMIs) between 989 prioritised locations, distributed worldwide, under various different climate scenarios. The locations were chosen to coincide with weather stations to minimise interpolation error. It would have been ideal if the app could have presented climatic similarities between all climate station locations for which data were available (approximately 10000). However, this was beyond the resources available for app development. Thus, when a location of interest is unavailable, the recommendation is to use the closest location with similar altitude and Köppen-Geiger classification instead (the altitude and Köppen-Geiger layers be selected from the map tab). In the future we hope to expand the list of sites/weather stations substantially.
Development of this tool has been funded by Better Border Biosecurity, AGMARDT and the Ministry for Primary Industries.
Design and co-development by Epi-interactive.
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